Setting My Intentions for 2021

If you're a part of my weekly newsletter, you've probably already seen a glimpse of my 2021 Vision Board. I, like many others, had a rough 2020 for my own personal reasons, so I really wanted to set myself up for success this year by writing out all of personal goals & intentions.

Now let's get into my actual vision board... I actually used Marianna Hewitt's version that she featured on her blog. I loved her template, but made it my own in order to have more room. Click here if you want to download hers! 

First, I have a Goals section in my planner that has this Cloth & Paper  that acts as a reminder that I'm in control of a lot of what happens in my life.

Behind the dashboard is my actual 
Vision Board, which contains PersonalProfessional, Financial, & Big Dreams sections. I actually got the inspiration from Marianna Hewitt's template 
 & recreated it to make it my own (I needed a little bit more room, lol). Then I used Cloth & Paper's  to actually list & decorate my goals. As you can see, I gave you a little sneak peek!

While figuring out your goals, try to make them simple & attainable. In my case, I don't just want to work out more, I want to work out at least 3x/week. If this is too much for you, make it 1x/week for the first quarter of the year, then build your way up to 2x/week the next quarter, & then 3x/week the next. You want to make yourself better, so take baby steps with your goals. You have a whole year to get where you want to be. 


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