Setting My Intentions for 2021
If you're a part of my weekly newsletter, you've probably already seen a glimpse of my 2021 Vision Board. I, like many others, had a rough 2020 for my own personal reasons, so I really wanted to set myself up for success this year by writing out all of personal goals & intentions.
Now let's get into my actual vision board... I actually used Marianna Hewitt's version that she featured on her blog. I loved her template, but made it my own in order to have more room. Click here if you want to download hers!
While figuring out your goals, try to make them simple & attainable. In my case, I don't just want to work out more, I want to work out at least 3x/week. If this is too much for you, make it 1x/week for the first quarter of the year, then build your way up to 2x/week the next quarter, & then 3x/week the next. You want to make yourself better, so take baby steps with your goals. You have a whole year to get where you want to be.